Donations to St John's

Please help us to keep St John's working.

Sadly in common with many places of worship in the UK, St John's has lost around a third of its income since the Pandemic shut downs.

Bluntly, we need to receive online donations in order to survive.

If you would like to contribute to the work of St John's we would be grateful if you would set up a regular payment to St John's by using the Gift Direct Scheme. If you would prefer to give a one-off donation, we would be grateful if you could use our Give.Net facility. You will find the details below. We would really appreciate your help with our work.

The Parochial Church Council of The City Parish of St John the Baptist, Cardiff is a registered Charity. Our Charity Number is 1187259.

Gift Direct
The Church in Wales has a secure and professional system which enables you to set up a regular donation to St John's from your Bank or Building Society account. There are no fees and St John's receives 100% of the money you contribute.
Please click here for an explanation of the system and to set it up now.

Please click this link if you would like to make a one-off donation now. (You can also make regular donations here but our preferred method for regular donations is Gift Direct above).

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