Café@St John's
The re-named TeaSpot is now open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11am to 2pm and on Saturdays from 10am to 3pm.
Come upstairs and let us welcome you with simple good homemade food and warm Welsh hospitality. All profits go towards the work of St John's.
Word for the City (Bible Discussion Group)
On Mondays at 12.30pm we meet upstairs in our Café to study the bible and to discuss a range of issues and topics relevant to our lives. The people are friendly and you don't need any theological training to take part!
Come upstairs and explore God's word, our understanding of the bible and a variety of issues. The sessions last around 45 minutes.
We have a friendly Band of Bellringers who ring each Sunday from 9.15 ahead of the 10am service and from 5pm ahead of the 6pm Evensong service.
Practice is Thursdays from 7.30pm to 9pm. Contact Bob Hardy on (029) 2055 9039 or (07791 098332) or e mail him by clicking here. Changes and cancellations are advertised on the Tower Notices forum of the Llandaff and Monmouth DACBR.
Organ Recitals
St John's has a superb Father Willis organ (details here). On the 2nd Friday of each month (except December) we have a 30 minute organ recital at 1.15pm. The organists are excellent and the series is very popular, attracting between 100 and 150 people. Entry is free but there is a collection afterwards which helps to support the concerts. Details of the full series can be found here.
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